Friday, March 5, 2010

Featured Columnist The Top 10 Wrestling Entrance Songs of All Time

So I wanted to do a fun article and I got to thinking about entrances. More specifically, the entrance music.
The Freebirds started it and since then the music a wrestler comes out to, in many ways has become his or her trademark.
The fans recognize it and many times just hearing the first few notes of a popular wrestler's entrance music can make a crowd rise to its feet.
Brethart_display_imageWithout any more waiting, here's my list of the 10 best entrance songs of all time. Enjoy!

10. Bret Hart ("Hart Attack" by Jim Johnston)

Bret has one of those iconic entrance themes because you immediately know who's coming down to the ring.
From the opening guitar crescendo into the main riff that will get stuck in your head for days.
Jimmy Hart who was behind the original version of this song laid the ground work for Jim Johnston to update and perfect it.

Ultimatewarrior_display_image9. The Ultimate Warrior ("Unstable" by Jim Johnston)

When I was growing up, before we got WCW on cable I was a big WWF fan. I couldn't care less about Hulk Hogan, I was an Ultimate Warrior fan.
His song got you so pumped up because not only did it have a pretty good groove, it was accented by the man just going bananas on his way to the ring.
You knew someone was about to be destroyed when it hit the speakers.


8. The Legion of Doom ("What A Rush" by Jim Johnston)

This is very similar to the man who is in the second spot on this list. It isn't so much the song that is great but the opening few seconds.
The signature "What a rush!" said by Hawk in that rough voice lets you know that LOD is on their way to absolutely tear a hole through whoever was unfortunate enough to be in the ring against them.
This technique for entrance music has been used a lot from Vader to Mr. Kennedy to The Miz.

Utscn66c_display_image7. The Undertaker ("The Grim Reaper" by Jim Johnston)

This is one that was hard to pick because Taker switches his music every few years or so. So let's just say any of his music when he's the Deadman version of the Undertaker. Limp Bizkit does not deserve a spot on this list.
Taker's music is one of the best recognized songs in all of wrestling. The lights go out, the blue smoke washes in, and that bell sounds. It's one of the few songs that can send chills down your spine.

6. Shawn Michaels ("Sexy Boy" by Jimmy Hart)

Shawn has used this for quite some time now. He still does when he's not affiliated with D-Generation X.
It's one of those songs that was written for a heel but still works when Michaels is a babyface because we all know he's that cocky showstealer.
It's also the only song on this list to be sung by the wrestler himself.

Ricflair021_display_image5. Ric Flair ("Dawn" taken from "Also Sprach Zarathustra" by Richard Strauss)

I may be mistaken but I believe this is the only song to be on this list that wasn't written for the wrestler.
It's an incredibly self-indulgent song to use as your theme, being a grand epic opus but it fits "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair.
Flair is larger than life and so is his music. While he no longer comes out to this music, it will always be the song for which he is identified with

Nwo_display_image4. The nWo ("Rockhouse" by Jimmy Hart & J. Helm)

This is the classic NWO song, not the Wolfpac version or any other remix. It was the music you heard the most between 1996 and 1998.
The hottest angle and group in wrestling also had one of the songs that stood out the most.
From the blues inspired guitar riff to the distorted voice speaking through out. There's a reason why Jimmy Hart has been on this list a few times already

Jushinthunderliger_display_image3. Jushin Thunder Liger ("Ikari No Jyushin Lyger" by Yumi Hiroki)

Probably the least heard song on this list but it's one of the most iconic in the world of wrestling.
If you're a Japanese wrestling fan then you've no doubt tried to sing along to this infectious song.
It's a very up-tempo J-Pop song but oddly fits Liger even when he's a heel. You know it's Liger coming down to the ring when the high-pitched female vocals kick in. The fans love it, and so do I.

Stonecoldsteveaustin_display_image2. Stone Cold Steve Austin ("Hell Frozen Over" by Jim Johnston)

Some may say that the version of this song recorded by popular band Disturbed is better but this is the original. When the glass breaks, the crowd jumps up into a frenzy.
It's very similar to Bret Hart's as it has a driving guitar riff and that opening moment where you just know who's coming down to the ring.
It doesn't matter what year it is, WWE fans hear that glass break and it's an instant standing ovation.

1. Hulk Hogan ("Real American" by Rick Deringer)

Did you think it would be anyone else? This is the song in the 1980's when it came to wrestling. Hogan is perhaps the most famous wrestler of all time and this has to be the most famous song.
It became an anthem for the fans and can bring a crowd to its feet instantaneously. Hogan used quite a few other songs in his career but I would say that this is the one most closely related to him.

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